Written by: H

Warning: May contain spoilers (sweetie).

     Tonight was the premiere of season 7 part 2 of Doctor Who and oh my did they deliver as usual! This episode of course brought about the question that we've been asking since we first met Clara Oswin Oswald. Who is she? There are so many questions about Clara and just as many guesses about who she is. (Of course, at least this time Moffatt let her live.) But aside from us trying to figure out who Clara is let's get on the subject of the actual episode shall we?
     This episode was about something that most of us deal with in every day life. Wi-fi. Think about it. How many of you use wi-fi in your daily activities? We have wi-fi on our laptops, tablets, cellphones, etc. Wi-fi is everywhere! And if something were to get into the wi-fi then we would all be up the creek without a paddle. As for the Great Intelligence, I'm sure you remember him from the Christmas special The Snowmen. Does anyone else think there's a connection with Clara here somewhere? The Great Intelligence has also had appearances in the Second Doctor's run as well in the episodes The Abominable Snowmen and The Web of Fear (approximately a century after The Snowmen episode took place). All of the questions we were left with from this episode probably will not even be answered this season.
     Now, I'm trying not to be a spoil-hound here, but sometimes you just can't help it with Who. Can we just talk about the author of the book the boy Clara nannies for was reading (and the girl on the stairs was from)? AMELIA WILLIAMS. Oh yes. Yes we all know that name well. It may not have registered to everyone at first glance just because she is using her married name, but it was one Amelia Pond. This made me extremely giddy! Just seeing that Amy went on to be a successful writer after all the things she and Rory went through makes me happy to no extent. 
     So, to end my somewhat confusing review of this episode of Doctor Who, I give this episode an 8.5/10. It was a great episode, but not one of my favorites. This is just the beginning of the adventures with Clara (because we all know she is going to say yes to travelling with the Doctor), and I do look forward to more of her witty banter with the Doctor and believe this will make for a great second part of the season. 


Written by: H

 Warning: Spoilers may follow.    

    The newest episode of Supernatural was back on tonight, after a (what seemed like forever) three week hiatus. Boy do these writers know how to kill us Supernatural fans. They leave us hanging wondering what happened to Castiel, who Naomi is and why she is insistent on controlling him. Then they bring us back with a wham, bam, thank you ma'am! I didn't even know what to say through half of this episode. First you see Cas killing Dean, only to find out he's "killed" Dean thousands of times in preparation  Then Cas just shows up and kicks ass and saves Sam from a demon then goes all mighty on the other lady and poofs away. Just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder there's Meg as a hostage! Meg, the only female who has lasted on the show this long and what happens to her? The same thing that always happens! Although, with the seemingly sexual tension between Meg and Cas, I don't see this being the last we see of her. I mean, Cas, Sam and Dean have all come back from the dead more times than I can count on my fingers.
     Anyway, lets get to the part that really killed me. Naomi telling Cas he has to kill Dean. Dean begging Cas to stop, then those words, oh those words. "Cas, we're family. We need you. I need you." And of course Naomi made the biggest mistake she could ever make, asking him to choose between the angels and the Winchesters. Like that's even a choice for him anymore. He know that the Winchesters are truly his family and he would never choose anyone over them. That's when Naomi's hold broke over him, that's when she lost him. The look on Dean's face when Cas was reaching in to heal him. I have never seen such a scared look on Dean Winchester's face throughout this entire show. It's like he knew Cas had the power to kill him, but he was afraid that he had just lost another family member too. 
     'Goodbye Stranger' starts to play and we see Cas riding off in a bus. Where he was going we will not know until the season finale. Here's to you Supernatural writers. Thanks for killing all of us slowly.